November 22, 2013

Arpan Working towards the Freedom from Child Sexual Abuse

The motivation to initiate work on Child sexual abuse (CSA) within Arpan actually started in 2004 when Pooja Taparia, the Founder and CEO, was inspired by the play 30 Days in September, which depicts the trauma faced by a survivor of sexual abuse as they carry on with life, in their decisions, their relationships, their aspirations, their fears, their choices, every day.

In 2006 Arpan started its work on CSA with the Prevention and Healing services.
With one counselor, Arpan began conducting talks to spread awareness on the issue of Child Sexual Abuse. Arpan reached out to housing societies, civil society clubs like Rotary & Lions Clubs, interested colleges or any other forum or platform, where they could reach out to a parent or adult & talk to them about the cause. Arpan also took on cases to enable adult survivors to come to terms with their trauma as well, and move on to lead more fulfilling lives.
Arpan has so far reached out to over 50,000 parents, teachers, children, adolescents, young adults, NGO professionals, caretakers and mental health professionals directly and over 2, 00,000 indirectly with our prevention and healing programs.

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